General Safety Reminder

As the weather is changing, please consider the following in encouraging,  promoting and modelling safe behaviours and habits with your children:

  • When you enter/leave the school, please make sure you close the gate. It is a heavy gate, but you are able to close it.  It’s deliberately heavy so that it can stay shut and keep children safe in the playground.
  • Please remember that children and adults should not walk through the car park – they should enter the school via the main gate (see above).
  • As the harsh winter approaches, please ensure children are wearing waterproof jackets, waterproof shoes/boots, hats and scarves, etc  (if you would like some support with this, please contact Miss Forbes or Mr Markey as we can try to help with winter clothing/expenses).
  • Please remind children that throwing snowballs and ice is prohibited in school grounds.  This is in link with Aberdeen City Council policy.

Thank you for reading this. We hope you all have a fabulous safe, snowy, wintery wonderful time!