Aberdeen City Music School – Come and Play Days

Hello from the Aberdeen City Music School.

We are opening our doors to young musicians on several evenings throughout the 2024/25 academic year. The purpose of the sessions is to let pupils and parents visit ACMS and find out a bit more about us.

This year, we are delighted to be collaborating with the Aberdeen City Music Service, and the North East of Scotland Music School (NESMS) for some of the workshops.

We are hosting different ‘Come and Play’ sessions for strings, woodwind, brass, vocal, percussion, jazz improvisation, acoustic guitars and Scottish traditional instruments. The sessions will take place on weekday evenings at the Aberdeen City Music School, Dyce Academy and will run from 5.45 pm to 8 pm. Pupils of all abilities from the ages of 9 to 17 are encouraged to participate and will have the opportunity to play in ensembles, work with ACMS pupils in sectionals, and perform in a short informal concert to parents at the end of each session. There is no charge for any of the sessions.

Here are the different Come and Play session days for 2024/25. Please click on the link and fill out the e-form to register your interest.

(Click on the link to fill out the form)
Date Time
Come and Play #1- Jazz Improvisation  Tuesday 29th October 2024 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #2 – Traditional Instruments 

(Accordion, Harp/Clarsach, Fiddle)

Tuesday 12th November 2024 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #3 – Bagpipes  Wednesday 13th November 2024 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #4 – Strings  Tuesday 19th November 2024 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Sing #5 – Voice  Wednesday 20th November 2024 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #6 – Woodwind  Tuesday 7th January 2025 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #7 – Brass  Wednesday 8th January 2025 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play #8 – Percussion  Thursday 27th February 2025 17:45 to 20:00
Come and Play Day #9 – Acoustic Guitar 

(Nylon & Steel Strung – not electric)


Electric players – please sign up for the Jazz Improvisation session (29/10/2024)

Wednesday 5th March 2025 17:45 to 20:00

The details for each session are as follows:

Venue Aberdeen City Music School
Dyce Academy, Riverview Drive,
Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7NF
Google Maps Location Link Dyce Academy/ACMS Main Entrance (Google Maps Pin)
What 3 Words Location Link https://w3w.co/homecare.lays.crisis
Start time 17.45 pm
Finish time 8.00 pm (with informal concert at 7.40 pm)
What to Wear Comfortable and casual but please wear the requested coloured shirt/jumper/top if possible.
(there are different colour themes for the different weeks)
Equipment required Instrument, pencil, music stand, water bottle
Breaktime There will be a short break and water and biscuits
will be provided.
Informal concert This will begin at 7.40 pm in the Multi Purpose Area (MPA).
Audience members will be met at the Dyce Academy main entrance at
7.35 pm and escorted to the MPA
Please could visitors arrive at the entrance no earlier than 7:30 pm.
Cost: None
Medical, dietary, and other specific requirements Please fill out this information in the online application form.
Photo and Video We would like to take some photos and short video clips of the event to
post on our social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube).
Please indicate on the e-form if you are happy or not for your child to be
photographed videoed for these purposes
Parking (Google Maps Link) Dyce Academy/ACMS Car Park Location (Google Maps Pin)
Parking (What 3 Words Link) https://w3w.co/intestine.clown.corrode
Contact telephone number (general enquiries) 01224 793 789
Contact telephone number (on the day) 01224 774773
Contact email musicschool@aberdeencity.gov.uk

If you know anyone who would be interested in coming along, playing some famous music, and seeing how some of the music organisations work in Aberdeen, please forward this email to them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at musicschool@aberdeencity.gov.uk if you have any further questions.

With very best wishes,

Kevin Kyle

Director – Aberdeen City Music School

Come and Play Days 2024_25 (4)Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and our Website