Community Support

During the difficult weeks ahead, support can be sought from the following places:

We will add to this as time progresses.






Aberdeen’s Salvation Army Citadel on Castlegate

Their revised opening hours are 10am-12 noon, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

They ask people to bring proof of ID and a referral from the school, a social worker or a medical practitioner or from a religious or cultural group leader.

Please contact the school or Miss Forbes on or for referral.







Food Bank






Children 1st

During these difficult times, it is our most vulnerable families who will be hardest hit. Children 1st are determined to maintain direct emotional and practical support to families wherever it is safe to do so.

And Parentline will always be there on the phone by webchat and online.



General Pages and Links:

There are a few different areas about Coronavirus:

This link is specifically regarding home learning: