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Sports Day Update
16th June 2016 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dear Parents/Carers
Sports Day Thursday 16 June 2016 – Aberdeen Sports Village
** Update – It looks very likely that we will now hold the Sports Day inside on the indoor track **
Arrangements are still mostly the same:
Time at Sports Village: 9.45 – 11.30am.
Spectating: Now from the indoor gallery instead of the outdoor stadium.
Photographs: Parents will be permitted to take photographs, however we politely request that you remain within the gallery area and leave the children, staff and volunteers on the track. This will really help with safety and security arrangements. If you have any objections to your child being included in photos please contact the school office.
All children should come to school dressed for sports day, with warm comfortable clothes on top of their gym kit (including waterproof jacket).
Water and fruit will be provided.
P4 – 7 will walk there and back (please dress appropriately!) and P1 – 3 pupils will be transported by coach. We expect to be back in school by 12 noon – our normal lunch arrangements will apply.
** If the weather is unsuitable for P4-P7 to walk we will transport them via extra shuttle runs on the coach. **
Yours sincerely
Peter Gibb
Head Teacher (Acting)