Uniform – A Team Identity!
We aim to promote responsible, respectful behaviours towards property, belongings and each other.
We strongly recommend that ALL garments are labelled clearly.
Clear labels will help us return any misplaced items to you. Thank you.

The wearing of school uniform is strongly encouraged at Hanover Street School. We believe it gives a sense of team ethos and identity, purpose and supports a united and proud school community.
There is an expectation that all children in P1 to P7 wear the school colours of grey/pale blue/navy blue.
The basic clothing should consist of:
* Navy or grey school sweatshirt/cardigan
* Pale blue polo-shirt/shirt/blouse
* Plain grey or navy blue school trousers/shorts/pinafore/skirt
Embroidered school sweatshirts, polo-shirts, fleeces, book bags, gym bags and a range of other items can all be purchased from Abstitch.
Parents are welcome to pop into the shop and try on samples which are kept separately for this purpose.

Some parents will buy plain, unembroidered uniform items from local supermarkets and department stores. We ask that if you do this, to please choose within the school colours as detailed above.
P.E. / Gym Kit

For P.E (Physical Education) classes, children should wear the following:
- Shorts/Leggings/Tracksuit bottoms
- T-shirt
- Gym shoes/trainers with a non-marking sole.
For Health and Safety reasons, children should REMOVE all jewellery before taking part in PE activities.
If your child has pierced ears, please make certain they can remove and insert the jewellery themselves. If they cannot, please ensure earrings are left at home on PE days.
Teachers may look after jewellery for a child, but the school accepts no responsibility for such items.

School Clothing grants applications can be made online:

Each session many children lose their belongings due to them not being clearly labelled.
Please label ALL belongings to ensure property can be returned to the rightful owner.
Name tags can be ordered from: https://www.mynametags.com/
Our School ID is: 24111
Please note that if you uses the school name instead of the ID number when ordering online, the website will not recognise our school and so it will not be credited with the relevant commission/reward.

We do not have a uniform for nursery.
But we do have some simple expectations:
- Children should wear comfortable play clothes suitable for both in and outdoor activities.
- As children are outside every day, please ensure they have a jacket and footwear suitable for the weather each day.
- To aid the children with independence, clothes should be easily managed by your child when going to the toilet and dressing.
- Children may well get dirty at nursery – they are playing with paint, sand, water, mud and more! A change of clothes in your child’s nursery bag will come in useful for times where we need to change their clothes. Please include underwear – pants and socks.
- We ask that you do not send them to nursery wearing their ‘good clothes’. And please consider providing an apron/smock for your child. We can keep these at nursery in the children’s trays, and send home for regular washing. Thank you!