Primary 1s coming for full days!

Dear Parents/Carers

P1s – Full Days in School and Lunchtimes


As you know, all your P1 children will be in school “full-time” as of Monday 10 September 2018.  This means their school day will be as follows:

School Begins:                            9.00am

Morning – 1st Session:             9.00 – 10.30am

                           Break:                  10.30 – 10.45am

(Children will need a small snack for break – we suggest a piece of fruit and a non-fizzy juice/water)

Morning – 2nd Session:           10.45 – 12.30pm

                           Lunch:                 12.30 – 1.30pm

(Please note that this is now at 12.30pm and not at 12noon, as it was for the first 3 weeks of Primary 1)

 Afternoon Session:             12.30 – 3.15pm


From Monday 10th September your child has 3 options for lunchtime:

  1. HOME LUNCH – You can collect your child at 12.30pm and take them home for lunch. They should be back in the playground by 1.30pm.
  2. PACKED LUNCH – You can provide a packed lunch for your child to eat at school. Make sure they can open all packages etc. and no fizzy drinks, please.  *Please note that waste food/packaging gets taken home.
  3. SCHOOL DINNER – Your child can stay for a school dinner.  All children in Scotland in Primary 1-3 are provided with a free school meal.

Mrs Murray and Mrs Cooney will explain the difference between all 3 options in class. However, to save confusion, please can you discuss the 3 options above with your child, so that they are confident in what they are doing for lunch? Asking “Who is having a school dinner today?” and “Who is having a packed lunch today?” can cause lots of confusion!

Children also need to know the difference between their snack and their lunch – some children in the past have eaten their packed lunch at snack time and had nothing left for lunch.

I have attached a school menu for your information.

It is also available on the Aberdeen City Council.  If you have any questions, please ask the staff at the end of any day and remember to collect your child at 3.15pm on Monday!


Yours sincerely

Gillian Forbes, Depute Head Teacher