Nursery events next week
Nursery Events
Next week we have a couple of different events happening in nursery. Here is some information for you:
Monday 3rd June 2019
We have many Muslim families at Hanover Street. We want to embrace this learning opportunity further – in our school vision, “O is for Our Communities”.
An important festival for Muslims is Eid. Eid itself takes place on Wednesday 5th June, but we would like to celebrate it in Nursery, on Monday 3rd June.
On this day, we would like to invite all the children to come dressed in their best clothes. We will have a special buffet feast to celebrate!
If any of our Muslim families would like to come in and talk about EID then we would love to have you!
Please note this celebration is more of a cultural awareness of EID. We do not pray or celebrate on any religious level.
If you feel that you do not want your child to participate or want to know more then pleas e see Mrs Lemmon, otherwise we will assume you are happy for your child to take part.
Tuesday 4th June 2019
Cath from Childsmile will be coming to Nursery to do a puppet show for the children!
We would like to invite all parents and carers to a special coffee morning/afternoon.
Morning parents – 4th June at 10.45am
Afternoon parents – 4th June at 2.30pm
We will have snack on offer for the children and tea and coffee for adults.
Cath will be available for anyone wanting advice on Dentists or if anyone has any concerns about oral health in general.
The Nursery Team 😊