PC Meeting 28.3.18 – Agenda

PC meeting 28.03.2018 Agenda


Hanover Street School
Parent Council Meeting
28th of March 2018 at 1:45 pm
1. Welcome
2. Apologies and matters arising
3. Head Teacher’s updates
 Manning the book fair on Tuesday 24th of April and Wednesday 25th of April – during day and parents evenings – volunteers required.  Parent night stand re behaviour policy/class dojo???
4. Treasurer update
5. PTA update
 Feedback from parent council survey
 Bunny drive event update
 Delivery of thank you cards update
6. Chair’s Community Update
 PB funding – planning to use the money –what for and how  10th of March event updates
 PC Fund, where will money go/what are the targets?  Rwanda trip – confirm any donations?  Another Vice Chairperson?  New disco supplier?
8. Date and Time of next meeting